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Eintr?ge werden geladen
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Sch?fers
Ingenieurwissenschaften und Informatik
181.640 €

Lightweight construction in agricultural engineering by using high-tensile steels.

The aim of the project is to identify and implement constructive applications for high-tensile steels in agricultural engineering. The main focus of this ¨C due to their complex demands ¨C shall be arrangement of levers of agricultural sprayers. In a hinged position the arrangement need to be really compact to fulfill transport formalities regarding height and length. In work mode the construction is highly cantilevered with an enormous dynamic stress because of the oscillating effect. These named requirements create a complex issue with potential and need to proof the use of high-tensile steels, which has not been adequately taken into account before.

In order to achieve the objective of the project test drives will be done to find out the load collectives of the arrangement (at the moment the construction is based on presumption and experience). After interpreting the test drive data it is possible to analyze high-tensile steel grades as an improvement to the existing solutions and how to implement the solution. Therefore a module unit will be constructed, to proof it in test runs first and then finally to install the new construction in an arrangement of levers of agricultural sprayers to check the innovative construction under real conditions.

This project is pioneering for agricultural engineering and helps to intensify competition and innovation competences of SMEs. Most of agricultural engineering SMEs are developing and producing their products exclusively in Germany. Against the background of increasing number of competitors, manufacturing in low-wage countries, it is necessary to improve and innovate German products to remain competitive as development and production site in Germany.

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